9 time out of 10 we will let you know what is wrong with your device before you leave!
Many repair shops love to use this line “We will check & call you within a week.” You are here because you need fast service. If you have five days to let others guess what is wrong with your computer, you will fix it yourself. We understand this, which is why our store is set to provide fast, & you wait service. This means that we will most likely tell you the problem with your laptop before you leave.
Now, before you get too excited…
We know that of course this isn’t possible in all situations. Some device get us into trouble, and in some cases various problems may arise. If there is a problem with your equipment, you will most likely need to leave it for a few hours to a day-it is not always possible to provide an accurate repair price while you wait.
In most cases, if you are willing to sit back & relax-we will turn on the machine & tell you what went wrong. Our store does not think that throwing your item in the queue & checked when we it’s a measure time. We care about each and everything that someone brings in. We get the job done right away when we receive it & do it right!!
We are happy to provide free estimates, but only for retail customers!
If you are another repair company that outsources repairs to us, you only need to pay when we can complete your repair. However, if you send the equipment to us for a diagnosis, receive a diagnosis, & choose not to accept repairs, you will need to pay a fee of $50. We have a large number of other stores dismissing their own technicians & letting us do all the estimation work, abusing this to force us to adopt this policy.